Saturday, October 2, 2004

Support Equality

The U.S. lesbian and gay population spends approximately $1.4 billion each day. For one year, this total is $500 billion. The University of Georgia’s Selig Center at the Terry College of Business a comparison of annual spending by different minority breaks down to:

  • Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered — $500 billion.

  • African American — $688 billion.

  • Hispanic — $653 billion.

  • Asian American — $344 billion.

  • Native American — $45 billion.

However, despite this fiscal contribution to our great economy, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered Americans still do not possess basic civil rights granted to heterosexual peers. As a result, Oct. 8 has been designated by Boycott for Equality ( as a “walkout” during which gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered individuals and their allies are encouraged to:

  • Not purchase anything.

  • Not work. Do not generate payroll taxes, income taxes or add to the economy.

  • Not use cell phones. Dropping out of the communication network is a way to measure the impact of your presence.

  • Speak open and frankly with friends and neighbors about the inequalities faced by gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons.

  • Reflect about the numerous contributions of our gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community

We wish to applaud the efforts of Boycott For Equality and to encourage Brazos Valley residents to take action in ways appropriate for them as individuals. Further, we desire to express our gratitude to the many gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons in our military and in our community tirelessly working to better the world around them.

Katy Dawn Stewart, Robin Griffiths and Cassandra A Roegner + 11 other signatures

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